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Professional Recordkeeping Systems, LLC

About The Company

Hands on KeyboardImagine your company's financial information always at your fingertips. This is the mission of Professional Recordkeeping Systems (PRS). Accomplishing this goal is how PRS achieves its ongoing success…

PRS is a licensed CPA Firm and was organized in 1981 by accounting, finance, and computer science professionals committed to excellence in serving our clients' financial management needs.

PRS has accumulated a knowledge base of well over 1.25 million labor hours of accounting and management expertise during our 40+ years of experience. This is the equivalent of 15 people each working approximately 40 hours per week for 40 years.

PRS has managed billions of dollars during our 40+ year history. Throughout the history of PRS, all of our work has been audited by the government or private auditing firms. Alan C. Young & Associates, Inc., the firm who audits the Michigan State Lottery, has audited hundreds of millions of dollars that PRS managed while providing accounting services to the State of Michigan, Non-Profits and local governmental agencies.

PRS focuses on the following services: